Are You Making Disciples?

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

This well-know passage from the gospel of Matthew is often used to teach that churches should be involved in missionary work.  While that is certainly true, a larger truth is missed when Christians go no further than that. That larger truth is this: making disciples is an individual responsibility of every believer.

We know that the disciples took this charge seriously because history tells us that they did indeed go into many different countries, some traveling great distances.  Thomas for example, traveled to India to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What does this admonition of Jesus mean for us today?  While you may never be called by God to travel to a foreign land, you are charged with making disciples wherever you are.  Are you doing that?  Do you know how to do that? Do you understand the dynamics of what happens when Christians take seriously the call to be disciple makers?

Let me give you four major reasons why disciple-making is both strategic and foundational for the individual Christian and the Church.  These principles apply across the board regardless of gender or age.

First, making disciples points people to God and makes their existing relationship with Him stronger.  Who doesn’t need all the help they can get in this fast-paced hurry-up world when it comes to taking time to know and love God more? This is the vertical dimension of discipleship.

Second, discipling people improves their relationships in marriage, in the home, in the school, and at work.  In short, relationships on the horizontal are improved through a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus.

Third, discipling people equips them to be a functioning part of the local church body.  The apostle Paul compared the local church to the human body and stated that it functions best when every individual person fulfills their complementary function.

Finally, making disciples helps people see the role they are meant to play in the communities in which they live. Being salt and light means being involved in communicating and displaying the love of Jesus to all people.

Friends, disciple making helps believers grow in their relationship with God, in their relationships with others in their home environments, with others in their church body, and then as a witness to Jesus Christ in the communities in which they live.

Begin today to find ways to disciple someone else and watch the transformation that takes place in their life and yours.

The Only Constant Is Change

Readers of this blog will notice a change in blog title and focus.  Let me explain.

The last couple of months have been interesting in the least.  Lots of challenges and more importantly a fresh perspective given by the Lord.  As a Christ follower and disciple of Jesus I want to be certain that my life lines up with His teachings and His leading day by day.  Long story short, I believe Jesus has gently and graciously (doesn’t He always?) drawn my attention to a new “assignment” in a familiar place.

As some of you know I am a “tent-making” pastor.  Time is precious to me and normally way short of what I think I need to accomplish everything on my plate.  I have emerged from many hours of prayer with a new perspective on this ministry God has given me and on what He desires from me moving forward.  One of the changes is in this blog.  I haven’t taken the time to post my thoughts and things that I hope will encourage others in their faith walk.  Instead, I have posted things I found interesting that are written by others.  I haven’t always agreed with everything suggested in the articles I’ve posted, but found them to be a good explanation and insight into the subject matter.  There is nothing wrong with that of course and many bloggers do that.  That was not my intention here and so I will be posting what is happening in my ministry, life, and family as originally intended.  I hope you will find this much more edifying.

Additionally, God has opened several doors of opportunity for me personally and for Calvary Chapel of Lima as His local body of believers, to reach into Lima and the surrounding area with His message of hope and salvation.  When everything is said and done brothers and sisters, our life in Christ is about obedience to Him AND making disciples of Him.  Therefore, I will be sharing some of what I am doing and encouraging you to be a disciple maker in your city or area.  One way to do that is to begin to look outside your tradition and see what other like-minded believers are doing for the Kingdom.

Finally, if this blog is encouraging to you please consider interacting with me on it and sharing it with others. Conversation is a good and healthy thing and I am interested in hearing your thoughts on the subjects posted.

God bless you all today as you seek to serve Him through word and deed.  One day we will see Him face to face and rejoice in His eternal mercies toward us.
