No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service

So then, each one of us shall give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12

Although not as prevalent as they once were, I still occasionally see signs posted in store windows that say, “No shoes, no shirt, no service.”  The meaning is clear – please dress appropriately when entering this establishment for the purpose of conducting business. This idea is carried to lofty heights in finer restaurants that proudly display signs that proclaim, “Jacket and tie required.”

Reminders of requirements are not a bad thing and I think Christians and churches could learn something from this principle.  Perhaps churches could display a sign that reads, “No riding on coat-tails allowed.”  For those unfamiliar with the phrase “riding on coat-tails”, it is a simple way of saying you must do things for yourself and not expect to meet requirements based on someone else meeting them for you.

The Apostle Paul told the Christians residing in Rome that each one of them would give an account of himself to God.  This is a good reminder that each individual must enter into a saving relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.  No one is saved because their father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather, or grandmother was or is saved. There is no such thing as coattail salvation.

Since salvation is an individual issue, a number of clear implications arise. (1) Church membership does not save you.  Salvation is the result of an individual profession and possession of faith. (2) Baptism does not save you. Since it is something engaged in after profession and possession it cannot be responsible for that which it is a demonstration of. (3) Each person will give an account of their life and will be fully responsible for how they lived. (4) No individual will be permitted to play the “blame game” before the throne of God. Blaming your parents or employer may work in this world but it won’t work in eternity.

Friends, it is important that you take full responsibility for your life.  The day is coming when every person will have to do that. Don’t get caught attempting to ride someone else’s coattails into eternity.

These are transforming truths.