There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
The holy dwelling places of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.

Psalm 46:4-5 NAS

Trouble comes often into the life of a Christian.  Our handling of it demonstrates a number of things.  First, when trouble comes where do we turn?  If we are anchored into the rock immovable – Jesus Christ – we will remain unmoved.

Second, when trouble comes what is our outward response?  Does our countenance reflect the calmness we have in Christ?

Third, when the storms of life batter us, of what effect is our hope and trust in Christ?  The Psalmist gives us a beautiful picture of the reaction to trouble most fitting the Christian.

Verses one through three describe what we all know to be true, namely that trouble finds us all sooner or later.  But notice the Psalmist describes for us what our response should be.  First, we acknowledge even in the midst of our most dire straits that God is the One to whom we turn.  It is in the shelter of His mercies and grace that we seek refuge.

But even in the midst of our whole world shaking apart, in the midst of the deafening roar of the churning ocean waves that seem to engulf us, God bids us come to Him and find solace.

There is a river, the Psalmist says, that brings joy.  This river makes glad the city of God.  God is there, and He will not be moved.  Oh how glorious is the truth that God makes us to receive His joy and strength to withstand the trials we all face.

Your eyes and your countenance will be lifted up today as you reflect on our mighty God, maker of heaven and earth.  He is our strong tower and refuge!