The Absurdity of the Two State Solution Crowd – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Asking why we continue to see and read of the hatred and vitriolic rants against the nation of Israel often sounds like a “broken record.” I have surmised that we will continue to hear and see the incessant spewing of Antisemitism because those expressing these views are short on reason, rational thinking, and logical, analytical deduction skills. This is not meant as an insult. This is observably true. What else can possibly explain the lack of comprehension among so many?

A simple way to address the widespread disinformation and subsequent rants of those who hate Israel would be to ask a series of questions and wait for an accurate and meaningful response. For example, I would ask someone who has expressed the kind of thinking that denigrates Israel as the sole cause of the many issues facing the region, this simple question: “When did the Palestinian people organize their land and establish its local governing authorities?” Israel is always spoken of as occupying the land of the Palestinians, so when did the Palestinians organize their land and set up a government to govern it and them? The answer of course, is, never. There is no such thing as the land of the Palestinians or Palestine.

Any honest historian will state that the Palestinian “problem” was created by Arab and Muslim nations who refused to admit those Arabs and Muslims who fled Israel in 1947-48 at their insistence. When Arabs and Muslims left Israel, the people including the leadership of the new nation asked them to stay. Today, the same problem exists because Arab and Muslim nations will not allow the Palestinians to immigrate to their countries. Those nations see the Palestinians as both a bargaining chip against Israel and a likely domestic problem for peace if allowed to immigrate. The reality is that the Arab and Muslim nations will never permit the Palestinians to enter their nation because along with them come the dangerous tentacles of Hamas and Hezbollah. There is much to be gained by the Israel haters by continuing the erroneous global optics of Israel as the villain in the story of the Palestinians.

The so-called ethnic cleansing decried on college campuses across America is also logically a non-starter. How is Israel committing genocide against the Palestinian people when the population of the Palestinians continues to grow? If there is a genocide ongoing, it is being perpetrated by the terror groups which rule Gaza and Lebanon with an iron fist. The Palestinian people are nothing more than expendable chattel in the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah, and their masters, the Iranian mullahs.

Perhaps the most potent question one could ask of someone blinded by their hatred toward Israel is this: “Can you name one Arab, Muslim, or Palestinian leader who has stated publicly and is affirming among his group of constituents that as a part of a separate Palestinian State, Israel has a right to her land in which to live in peace and security?”

Today’s virtue signaling, communist loving, Israel hating, Palestinian sympathizers, have no depth of understanding concerning global politics, and they certainly do not have any historical perspective. The Oslo Accords and the Camp David Summit in 2000 resulted in a basic framework for a Palestinian State. The continuing issue is that while the Arab and Muslim leaders smile for the cameras and receive the applause of the Western world for their determination to bring peace to the region, these same leaders speak a very different message to their constituents. That message is “We will never be at peace with the Jewish occupiers of OUR land; we will only drive them into the sea and out of existence. Then the land will be cleansed and returned to us.” Arab and Muslim doctrine dictates that if a territory was ever occupied by Muslims, it belongs to Allah into perpetuity. Thus, the leaders of the Palestinians lie to the West but tell the truth of their intentions to their people.

Unless the Arab and Muslim leaders start telling the truth about their intentions, there will never be an acceptable two state solution. Israel knows the truth. The West refuses to allow it to see the light of day. It seems incredible to consider but President Biden is doing all he can to force the issue on Israel by threatening to withhold armaments required to continue to purge the region of terror. How absurd is it to stop Israel from doing the entire world a favor by destroying Hamas? How absurd is it to have a US President protect terrorists by deterring Israel?

Now, we must also consider of highest importance what the Bible has to say about Israel. Here I remind people that Yahweh has spoken many promises over His people Israel. Whether we consider the Abrahamic, Mosaic, or Davidic Covenant, there remain unfulfilled promises to this day. You have two choices to make concerning the Covenants. You can say that Yahweh will fulfill them to His people Israel, or you can believe that Yahweh is finished with Israel and the Covenant promises now belong to the Christian church. If you choose to believe the latter, that Yahweh has abandoned His people Israel, you are faced with believing what the Bible explicitly refutes. Consider in the least that Yahweh has promised to give to Israel an everlasting inheritance (Genesis 17:89; Zechariah 12:9-11; Luke 21:20, 24; Acts 1:6).

The Apostle Paul informed the believers in Rome that:

25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written,

“The Deliverer will come from Zion,
He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.”
27 “This is My covenant with them,
When I take away their sins.”

28 From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; 29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

All Israel will be saved. This has meaning within the context of the Tribulation, about which the angel Gabriel informed Daniel that a future time of Tribulation would come which would involve Daniel’s people, Daniel’s holy city, and the process by which Yahweh would save all Israel (See Daniel 9:24-27; and Zechariah 12).

Finally, Yahweh’s promises concerning His people Israel are summed up well in Jeremiah 31:35-37.

35 Thus says the Lord,
Who gives the sun for light by day
And the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night,
Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar;
The Lord of hosts is His name:
36 “If this fixed order departs
From before Me,” declares the Lord,
“Then the offspring of Israel also will cease
From being a nation before Me forever.”

37 Thus says the Lord,

“If the heavens above can be measured
And the foundations of the earth searched out below,
Then I will also cast off all the offspring of Israel
For all that they have done,” declares the Lord.

Unfortunately, even here, there are some who reject the clear and literal biblical narrative concerning Israel. We are living in a unique time indeed.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Lima

Photo Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

The International Court of Justice – A Perversion of True Justice – Dr. Mike Spaulding

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8[1]

Justice for all! This statement is a great sound bite but little more than that. Indeed, as it is used today, it is superfluous on the surface and vacuous once a brief examination is undertaken. However, given that Americans have been conditioned to respond to sound bite journalism and half-truths and worse masquerading as fact-based news, this mantra has become a dangerous, misleading, and effective tactic utilized by those bent on destroying Israel, in part by undermining American support for it.

The recent action by the South African government in filing a legal proceeding with the International Court of Justice against Israel, accusing it of violating the Genocide Convention agreement, is one example of the upside-down world in which we live. I admire the detailed response by Tal Becker, legal advisor to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his opening statement on January 12, 2024, he called the character of the government of South Africa into question. He said in part:

But, as this Court has already made clear, the Genocide Convention was not designed to address the brutal impact of intensive hostilities on the civilian population, even when the use of force raises “very serious issues of international law” and involves “enormous suffering” and “continuing loss of life”. The Convention was set apart to address a malevolent crime of the most exceptional severity.

We live at a time when words are cheap. In an age of social media and identity politics, the temptation to reach for the most outrageous term, to vilify and demonize, has become for many irresistible. But if there is one place where words should still matter, where truth should still matter, it is surely a court of law.

The Applicant has regrettably put before the Court a profoundly distorted factual and legal picture. The entirety of its case hinges on a deliberately curated, decontextualized and manipulative description of the reality of current hostilities.

South Africa purports to come to this Court in the lofty position of a guardian of the interest of humanity. But in delegitimizing Israel’s 75-year existence in its opening presentation, that broad commitment to humanity rang hollow. And in its sweeping counter-factual description of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it seemed to erase both Jewish history and any Palestinian agency or responsibility. Indeed, the Application delegitimization of Israel since its very establishment in 1948 in its submissions, sounded barely distinguishable from Hamas’s own rejectionist rhetoric.

It is unsurprising, therefore, that in the Applicant’s telling, both Hamas’s responsibility for the situation in Gaza and the very humanity of its Israeli victims are removed from view.[2]

For justice to be realized by all, at least two things are necessary foundationally: there must be a standard or system of justice available to all that is objective, that is, it is beyond the frailties and double mindedness of man, and all parties interested in justice for all must recognize this objective standard as the guiding principles for determining when justice has been exhibited. In other words, there must be law and the rule of law must prevail over all well-intentioned and/or misguided arguments based on emotions, feelings, or the ideology-du-jour of the day.

In order for true justice to prevail and guide any people in their shared lives, justice must be impartial, proportionally related to behavior so that each individual receives his or her due, whether that due is reward or punishment. This must be in accord with the objective standard agreed upon as the guiding principles mentioned above.

America was founded upon Christian principles. Therefore, God’s moral law has undergirded the guiding principles of this republic even before the American Revolution. The Mayflower Compact, the first governing document of English settlers to America makes this clear. The Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights follow suite in recognizing the God of the Christian Bible as Creator, Sustainer, Lord, and Law Giver. His immutable and timeless law is recognized as the foundation for America’s laws.

John Locke said, “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.” President John F. Kennedy recognized that truth when he stated during his inaugural address that: “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” Sir William Blackstone, the acclaimed English jurist and scholar of jurisprudence, wrote that:

“Man … must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator…This will of his Maker is called the law of nature…This law of nature…is of course superior to any other…No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force…from this original.”[3]

Additionally, justice has many different applications and therefore must be understood within several different contexts, among them: commercial, vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice.[4] Commercial justice defines voluntary relationships, while vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice defines involuntary relationships. Theologian and Philosopher E. Calvin Beisner, offers this explanation:

Commercial justice requires that if we desire what another has, we must offer something he prefers in exchange for it, not acquire it by force or fraud – whether directly (picking his pocket) or indirectly (using a law to take from him and give to ourselves or others). Violations of commercial justice by fraud, theft, or violence bring punitive and vindictive justice into play as correctives.

When one person violates another’s rights (which are defined by justice), the injury is to be redressed by vindictive, retributive, and punitive justice. Vindictive justice judges the victim right in his cause (1 Kings 8:32; Deuteronomy 25:1). Retributive justice (from the Latin re, or “back,” and tribuere, “to pay”) requires the offender to restore the victim to his status before the offense (Exodus 22:1-15). Punitive justice applies a penalty to the offender as punishment for violating the law (Romans 13:4). In crimes against property (theft or destruction), punitive and retributive justice combine in the offender’s restoring what was taken or destroyed (retribution, also called restitution) plus some additional amount (punishment).

Sometimes someone harms another accidently. Then, remedial justice requires the one who caused the harm to share the cost equally with the victim (Exodus 21:35) but adds no penalty. But if he is negligent, he must be punished by bearing the whole loss (Exodus 21:33-34, 36), restoring the victim fully to his former state at his own expense.[5]

In the current climate of identity politics, gender dysphoria, and Marxian and Critical Theories run amok, these requirements for justice appear to be out of reach. That leaves us with a bare-naked power grab by certain people, or cast in Darwinian terms, a fight for the survival of the strongest, where might makes right. In America today that means political power financed by globalists who espouse anti-American ideologies. The ability to force people to comply against their wishes and of the common good has defined tyranny throughout the ages. Sadly, much of the American Protestant church has been deceived and is supporting the multi-pronged Luciferian lunacy of the leftists and other assorted God haters.

Instead of giving up and giving in to the wickedness of our day, a better approach would be to educate ourselves and others in the methodologies and strategies of the enemies of God and then begin to broadly denounce this present darkness for what it is – a direct attack against God. Mankind has consistently done a very poor job of administering justice when the laws used to determine justice are constructed on the shifting sand of rogue philosophies and the subsequent politics that pander to tyrannical lusts. The fight is on. You must join the fray or watch America and her allies die a slow painful death.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Lima

[1] All Bible references are taken from The New American Standard translation (Lockman Foundation, 1995).

[2] Jewish News Syndicate, International Court of Justice Opening Statement On Behalf of Israel, January 12, 2024.

[3] See

[4] See E. Calvin Beisner, Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel, Good Tree Press, 2018.

[5] Beisner, p. 24-25.

Image Courtesy of Sang Hyun Cho from Pixabay

The Ingrained Barbarity of Islam

The recent barbarity inflicted upon the people of Israel shocked many across the world. The bloodthirsty and demonically inspired massacre of innocent men, women, children, and even infants, was rightly denounced by many as the wickedness it was. Of course, those controlled by bloodlust and hatred, which is to say by demons, celebrated the raping, beheading, and brutality of the Hamas Islamists who perpetrated this madness.

God will not be mocked and He will judge not just those who celebrate, enabled, and supplied the actual murderers with the opportunity to carry out this travesty, but all the people who smirked and threw out the ignorant platitude “Zionism is equally evil and therefore the Israelis deserved what they received.” Let me say this plainly to all the “Zionism is evil” crowd, which includes many who believe they are born-again Christians: Your blatant animosity toward anything Jewish or pertaining to Israel, is a clear sign that you do not understand God, His Word, or the mission of the ecclesia in these end times.

As I was traveling to an appointment today, this teaching was playing on our radio station. God’s timing is perfect. We must awake from the demonic-Islamic tranquilizer that has produced a deep and ignorant stupor to fall upon people with the available means to stop this madness.

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Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: A Commentary on Daniel 9 – Now Available

What does the Bible say about the end times? Is there a timeline of events that are presented to us? Will the AntiChrist be a real person ruling over the earth for a period of time?

In my newest commentary on the incredible prophecies contained in Daniel 9, I answer those questions and more. For your signed copy please contact me at

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Optimism for a Renewed Alliance While Suspicion Festers

Today we hear increasingly heated arguments against Zionism.  For Christians who care about the state of Israel and its people, its time to perk up our ears and pay attention.

Many contend that Zionism drives the agenda of the Western World and has thoroughly infected the policies of the United States. Even conservative radio personalities are speaking against the nation state of Israel more frequently and casting Zionism as the ultimate monster in leading the world down the primrose path toward an elite-dominated new world order.

Trump and Netanyahu Meet to Repair the “Unbreakable Alliance”

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