The Pulpit: America’s Tinderbox for Revival – Dr. John Diamond

The beginning of true liberty is Jesus Christ. And therefore, the first and last target of all subversion is biblical faith. Hence it is that the Church has been the first target of infiltration and subversion; and is the most subverted institution in the United States today.”

— Dr. R. J. Rushdoony

The United States of America is on the verge of political, social and moral collapse. While many Christian leaders are diligently praying for America’s Third Great Awakening, wickedness and immorality seems to continue to spread unabated across America with no apparent end in sight. How did this happen and who is ultimately responsible for preventing its demise?

The reversal of everything that our Founding Fathers stood for politically, socially and culturally began in earnest in the mid 1900’s, when America was invaded and infiltrated by a civilian army whose allegiance and loyalty were elsewhere. Their goal was to destroy the Judeo-Christian Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers created and replace it with a socialist/humanistic state to be ruled by a handful of judges. Therefore, if we are to defeat this enemy, we must understand their strategy in order for it to be countered.

Joseph Stalin shows us the tactic that they would use in order to undermine our nation: “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three-fold. Its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” The first attack occurred on our “spiritual life” when the Supreme Court invented the fictitious legal doctrine of “separation of church and state” which removed the LORD from His place as the highest authority in our nation. (See Romans 13). The second wave began when the Left unconstitutionally began to use the federal courts to attack our morality. After God’s law was removed as the foundation for American moral law, the sex / drug revolution immediately followed. America then began cascading into moral free fall. Abortion, legalized sodomy and gay marriage were all forced upon the nation by the Supreme Court.

The last wave was (and is) an attack upon our patriotism. This is the strategy behind the Colin Kaepernick protests. I fear if this last thread of resistance is severed, America will fall on the ash heap of history. Herbert Aptheker, Editor Communist Magazine Political Affairs, identified whose neglect was allowing this to happen: “Neglect of parents [and pastors] to teach our youth Christianity and Americanism has made the communist talk of deceiving American youth much easier.” Therefore, the course objective of Americanism: A Course in Citizenship and Ethics is to restore America’s 3-fold cords of patriotism, morality, and the spiritual life that has historically made America strong and great, thus restoring our American Republic.

If we are to pull America back from the brink of judgment and destruction, this movement must begin and be led by the churches and pulpits of America. – Charles Finney, The Father of Modern Revivalism had the following to say in his article The Decay of Conscience (1873)

 “Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

I have interviewed hundreds of pastors over the last 25 years in an attempt to get them to engage the culture and the society outside the four walls of theirs church. My efforts were met with nothing but frustration, as many seemed more interested in building their own little kingdoms rather than advancing the Kingdom of God upon the Earth. I asked the LORD “What would you have me do? The LORD responded: “Write down the 12 lies that you have heard come from the mouth of a Christian leader and then refute that lying spirit.” [See 2 Chronicles 18:21 & 1 Kings 22:22]. From this conversation, the curriculum: Americanism: A Course in Citizenship and Ethics – The Social, Moral, Religious and Political Duty of the Church was born. For the next 12 weeks, join us as we address that 12 Lies that the Christian church has embraced as truth.

Dr. John Diamond

Dr. John Diamond is a nationally recognized teacher, motivational and inspirational speaker, author, theologian, and Christian apologist. He is the Founder and Director of Peacemakers Outreach, a non-profit, faith-based organization that is dedicated to pursuing reconciliation through video, social media, and biblical education. He is passionate, high energy and dynamic speaker whose subjects makes him relatable to both young and old, from the new believer to the most seasoned pastor. His teaching style makes him able to communicate the most complex issues in a way that is accessible to even laymen in the faith.  John’s sermons, teachings, and speeches have made him known as an articulate defender of truth and biblical morality.

He is a seasoned author who has written several books including An Appeal to Heaven: A Cry for Divine Justice and the 3-part discipleship series titled Unifying the Body of Christ. He is now being recognized as one of the nation’s experts in the areas of Christian Unity, Discipleship, Outreach, and Biblical Citizenship. This has made him an increasingly sought-out church and conference speaker as well as radio show guest. He travels widely across the nation working with a variety of evangelical churches and Christian organizations. His newly created educational materials and curriculum include several small group DVD studies such as Faith Training and The Mystery of Christ that educate, emphasize and expand upon the four-basic doctrine of the CM&A doctrines of Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and our Coming King.

His 14-part DVD series titled Americanism: A Course in Biblical Citizenship and Ethics has made him known as one of the leading experts in the relationship between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men. His book An Appeal to Heaven is being widely recognized as the only biblical solution for the restoration of legitimate biblical government by emphasizing the 3-fold role of Christ as King, Lawmaker and Judge. (Isaiah 33:22).

Dr. Diamond is presently the Executive Director of Peacemakers Outreach. He holds a Masters in Theology and a Doctorate in Christian Education. In January 2013, he created the first American Citizenship School which led to the forming of the American Christian Leadership Alliance (ACLA). He has served as the Director of Discipleship at Bible Community Church in Columbus, Ohio. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force.  

Peacemakers Outreach website here.

A Failing Movement – Pastor Sam Jones

It has been said that if we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. I am afraid this statement is all too true in the conservative Christian culture. We are called to learn from history and to fix our mistakes, which brings me to some great concerns from what I am seeing today. I think of Henry Parsons Crowell who once said it would not be the “modernists nor the conservative who was tolerant of the modernists; but the conservative fundamentalist who was tolerant of those who were tolerant of modernists that would defeat fundamentalism.” Henry Parsons Crowell was the founder of the Quaker Oats Company and a lifelong Presbyterian who at the end of his life withdrew from the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Crowell feared the reason fundamentalists were losing to modernists was simply because the fundamentalists “were tolerant toward those who were tolerant toward unbelievers.”

You may be reading this wondering what this has to do with today, but I assure you it has everything to do with today. In Christianity, there is a great battle going on and it is a battle that is very similar to the historic one of Modernists vs. Fundamentalists. This isn’t just something that I am seeing. There was a statement put together and signed by over 10,000 Christians, many of them being Christian leaders. This statement was titled “The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel”, it is also known as “The Dallas Statement”. This statement has been a “shot heard around Christianity” and is the hallmark of Christianity standing against the false gospel of Social Justice (the newest incarnation of the Social Gospel). At this point it is imperative that you understand that I see the need for a movement in Christianity, I see Social Justice as a great threat to the church, and that I am all for standing against Social Justice and for Biblical truth. The issue that I have is that we seem to be racing to a defeated destination because we are unwilling to learn from the Fundamentalist movement and heed the words of Henry Parsons Crowell.

We need to understand that there is a difference in a movement and doctrine. From a doctrinal perspective fundamentalism is still very much alive today, but from a movement perspective it is dead. There are a few things that a movement needs. Firstly, a movement must recognize where the enemy is attacking (this was well executed through The Dallas Statement). Secondly, a movement needs a unified message to stand upon (this is how Christians from across the theological perspectives still claim the title of Fundamentalist). Thirdly, a movement needs a very distinct line drawn that is tied to their unified message and recognition of where the enemy is attacking. If you lose one of these elements it impacts the other two and completely stalls the movement. For instance, if you do not recognize where the enemy is attacking, you will either fight a strawman or have a battle front in disarray, both making it impossible to be unified in message or to have a distinct line drawn between you and the enemy. If you do not have a unifying message then you have nothing to combat the enemy with (so it doesn’t matter where they are attacking, they will win), and you have no substance to draw a line with. If we do not have a clear distinct line drawn between us and false teachers, it confuses the foot soldier on where the enemy is attacking and it makes it impossible to have a unifying message to defend our doctrinal position as our position itself becomes blurred. This is where the words of Crowell ring true that it would be the “conservative fundamentalist who was tolerant of those who were tolerant of modernists that would defeat fundamentalism.”

This is where I will present my great concern with what is happening in the movement that is fighting the dangers of Social Justice. So far, the biggest name pastor to speak out against Social Justice and sign the Dallas Statement is Pastor John MacArthur. John MacArthur has presented some good material on the subject and provided what should be one of the most lethal statements towards the false gospel of Social Justice. When in his initial article on Social Justice, “Social Injustice and the Gospel” he said, “Over the years, I’ve fought a number of polemical battles against ideas that threaten the gospel. This recent (and surprisingly sudden) detour in quest of ‘social justice’ is, I believe, the most subtle and dangerous threat so far.” Let me say, I love that statement, I agree with that statement, I have quoted that statement, but John MacArthur has betrayed that statement. John MacArthur has betrayed that statement through the speakers that he is allowing at the Shepherd’s Conference. This is an annual conference that John MacArthur’s church hosts (along with Master’s Seminary, Grace to You, and a host of other MacArthur related ministries). In this conference the list of speakers has some of the usual suspects who have spoken out against Social Justice (John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, etc.), but there are also some speakers who have positioned themselves on the other side of the issue (Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever). Galatians 5:9 has never shouted louder in my mind, “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.”

John MacArthur has blurred the line of the movement. This makes it impossible to truly have a unifying message and it has started to confuse the foot soldiers on where the enemy is attacking. This has been made clear when he said in a Q & A with Mohler, Duncan, and Dever.

“I don’t think there is any difference theologically with where we stand we’ve navigated that together on every possible platform and every situation. How we respond to the culture around us and the pressures that come on us from the culture how we navigate those relationships that face us… you may have expressed yourself differently on the issue of social justice… look these are my friends these are men who have served Christ and have given their life to Him. (God) Has given each of you guys a formidable place in the kingdom and have had an impact on my life. I’ll fight error but I don’t fight my friends.”

I will let MacArthur speak to his own sin, “Over the years, I’ve fought a number of polemical battles against ideas that threaten the gospel. This recent (and surprisingly sudden) detour in quest of ‘social justice’ is, I believe, the most subtle and dangerous threat so far.” If this is true (and I believe it is), why would MacArthur bring the most subtle dangerous threat to the gospel into his conference? I wish I had an answer to that question, but I am afraid if I give my thoughts on that question I will only be diving into judging John MacArthur’s motives.

I don’t have an answer as to why Macarthur has blurred the battle lines, but I do have an answer in what we need to do if we want to see the movement march forward. We need to take the words of Henry Parsons Crowell to heart and we need to stop tolerating those who are tolerating those who are teaching Social Justice. I understand this is a hard statement and it is not fun, but do we fear God or man? Do our friendships mean as much to us as gospel purity? Is your admiration or friendship of MacArthur worth the souls of those in the nursery at your church? It is doubtful that the toleration of MacArthur would impact your church tomorrow on the issue of Social Justice, but it will have a long-term affect as the stance against Social Justice is weakened and the line is further blurred.

The best thing that could happen is repentance from John MacArthur, this is what I hope and pray for. The question each of us need to ask is if we like John MacArthur more than we fear the threat of Social Justice? If Social Justice is just a small doctrinal mistake, then keep on going as you are, but if you, like MacArthur and believe Social Justice is a big deal, then don’t kill a movement by compromising its integrity.

Pastor Sam Jones is co-host along with Patrick Wyett of The Shining Light Podcast found here.