A Much Needed Reminder – Pastor Mike Spaulding

Welcome to 2021! If you are like me to any degree, you are not sad to see 2020 go away. Here in Ohio, we have experienced things I never thought possible, most of them instigated by our Governor and his enablers in the state’s senate and house.

Have you considered that 2021 may be a continuation of 2020? What makes us think that once the calendar turns to 2021 things will change? There is certainly nothing magical about a new day or year under the same circumstances. What Americans are experiencing right now will not change unless Americans determine to take appropriate action to change their circumstances.

One thing among many that 2020 has cemented in the consciousness of a growing number of Americans is this – elected representatives at both the state and federal level do not respect those they claim to represent. This disrespect has been decades in the making but has finally been unveiled for even the casual observer to notice. The year 2020 pulled back the curtain, rent every remaining thread of illusion that politicians are not simply wholly owned by corporations, foreign governments, and their financial bag-men otherwise known as lobbyists, notwithstanding their periodic reelection speeches to the contrary.

The level of disrespect exhibited by politicians to those they claim to represent is appalling and is a demonically manifested arrogance that should cause every self-respecting person to recoil is abject disgust. Today’s politicos have most certainly arrived at a place where they do not fear any reprisals from citizens. This has to change if Americans are to regain the ability to live free.

Many of you know that I am an advocate for action. I believe Americans and especially Christians must be involved in the political process of this nation. America was designed by our Founding Fathers to be a participatory republic which means, elected officials at every level and capacity serve at the pleasure of those who elected them AND by the consent of those same people. This is embodied in the first three words of the Constitution – “We the People.” What those words mean is that “We the People” are the bosses. We are the final authority and have the final say as to what laws this nation will uphold and, conversely, what ideals, ideologies, philosophies, and anti-God nonsense we will vehemently reject.

This is the very heart and intent of the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

What has happened to America is that the political class has over time fashioned themselves into an aristocracy. They have conducted a type of clandestine lawfare upon Americans. They have used the force and power of the state to leverage their own success and wealth while simultaneously destroying the very freedoms and liberties of “We the People” that made their ill-gotten success possible. This is evident in the accumulated wealth of politicians. That wealth was garnered by selling their votes to corporations for favorable legislation that impacts particular industries.

Benjamin Franklin famously replied to an individual who inquired as to what type of government the convention had determined for the United States, “A republic if you can keep it.” What Franklin as well as the founders in general understood is that a nation that would govern itself, would require a citizenry that is fully engaged in the process of governance. A free people who desire to advance their liberties and happiness as defined by the founders cannot abdicate their responsibilities to provide oversight as needed as well as a swift and pointed correction when politicians stray from the course prescribed by “We the People.”

It is painfully clear that Americans for too long have enjoyed the blessings of America without giving back to this great nation a measured amount of service and sacrifice that is the only sure means of perpetrating those freedoms and liberties bequeathed to us. Too many Americans have simply chosen to receive without giving, to eat of the bountiful harvest without volunteering to sow the next season’s seed and tend the fields until harvest time. As a friend of mine is fond of saying, “Americans have chores to do.”

Those chores for Christians especially must start with perspective. The optics of 2020 were purposely formed to instill fear into the American populace. Even a cursory examination of the facts surrounding the pandemic reveals a purposely constructed narrative that does not align itself with the truth. Reality is a funny thing in that propagandists attempt to manipulate it and use it for their own evil goals but in time that coerced threadbare narrative will unravel. When people have massive amounts of information available to them that contradict the desired narrative, a choice must be made. Two opposing narratives cannot be true at the same time and context. Reality is not just what each individual says it is. Reality is truth and it cannot be hidden from those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Truth is what is real and demonstrable.

When experts in the field of medicine, biology, physiology, and pharmacology all contradict with facts, research, and peer-reviewed studies what governments and their hand-picked so-called professionals say, the American people must understand we have chores to do.

There is a heavy weight upon our necks. This weight is preparation for tyranny. If we will accept this burden now without complaint, those who fancy themselves our masters will see no reason not to speedily finish their wicked work of completely enslaving us all under their globalist plans. If that sounds like an alarmist view to you then I will tell you, dear reader, in the clearest possible language that you have been lulled into a deep sleep and you are not capable of determining truth from the lying narratives of American media and politicians. It is time to awaken to the stark truth that while we slept, while we raised our families, went to church, enjoyed our common civic blessings, evil men crept in and sowed our fields full of tares.

If 2020 taught me anything it is this – only those things done for Christ will stand. As recorded in the Gospel of Mark 13:32, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away.” The context of that statement is given beginning at verse 1 of Mark 13. Jesus is talking about the nature of the end days before His return. There will be much tribulation and persecution. We are seeing this already in other nations around the world. We are seeing the construction of a foundation for this same evil toward Christians in America right now. What has been the response from the church? The response has largely been silence and indifference.

The surest thing we have is the Word of God and the promises it contains. Promises from politicians and the governments they embody are worthless. What we need to do as a people is this:

(1) Recognize the dire straits we are presently in. Stop sugarcoating what is happening to America.

(2) Understand that politicians will not change unless they are forced to change.

(3) The American people must become change agents in relation to politicians.

(4) Just as faith without works is dead and useless, so is prayer without action.

(5) The American people must DEMAND and keep DEMANDING that every government institution abide by the Constitution or be forcefully deposed by lawful means.

(6) It is our collective right as Americans to enjoy the freedoms and liberties our Founding Fathers envisioned but this will not happen if Americans refuse to do the heavy lifting of sustained civic engagement.

At this point, some will say, “I agree with you in principle but, I have no idea where to start. We must start by creating networks of people who meet physically, communicate regularly, and develop action plans that specifically address the things we know to be true right now in America, those things I’ve already mentioned above, and then determine how, when, and where to DO THEM.

Here is where you can start – Tactical Civics – https://tacticalcivics.com/  

At the Tactical Civics website, you will see that a great deal of thought and work has gone into clearly and specifically laying out the necessary course of action for America along lawful and Constitutional means. There is a reason that the America-haters among us deliberately captured the public education system and systematically removed teaching about America’s greatness, her exceptionalism, the manner in which God has used America for centuries to be that light on a hill. That reason is that a citizenry that knows its history, that knows its God, and is intent on maintaining such a nation is not easily defeated.

What must occur, friends, is a return to basic Constitutional truths. Invest ninety minutes in the TACTICAL CIVICS Quick Start process at the link above. Then, contact your friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors who understand the times in which we live but do not know what to do. Help them by referring them to Tactical Civics and if necessary, walk them through the material. Then start your own county group and educate others on the necessary actions we must take as Americans.

Jesus said His words will not pass away. He never said a word that was not true and necessary. I remind you of one thing specifically we are commanded by Jesus to do. It is found in Luke 19:13 – “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come” (KJV). What that means is we are to be serving our King Jesus by using the resources He has given us (ten pounds) advance righteousness, holiness, just civil government and therefore, conversely, to oppose in the most strenuous fashion wickedness, evil, ill-intent toward our freedoms, liberties, and enslavement of our posterity.

America today finds itself in similar days as those of Nehemiah. The people lamented the condition they found themselves in. They also knew why wickedness had descended upon them and prevailed upon their land. Here is Nehemiah 9:36-37.

Behold, we are slaves today, and as for the land which You gave to our fathers to eat its fruit and its bounty, behold, we are slaves on it. And its abundant produce is for the kings whom You have set over us because of our sins; They also rule over our bodies and over our cattle as they please, so we are in great distress.

America is in distress. If Christians do nothing evil will prevail. We must rise up together and begin to be a vocal force in this land. Public officials at every level must become familiar with our names and what we stand for. A healthy fear, reverence, and respect for the One we represent must once again grip Americans.

We can and must march together under the banner of King Jesus. We are overcomers because Christ has already overcome our foes. We are victorious because Christ has already won the victory. However, those victories must be secured in real-time right now through action. Every generation must prove its loyalty to King Jesus on the field of battle. Let us rise to the challenge before us so that our legacy will be the testimony of our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that we did not shirk our duties nor shrink back from personal responsibility but fearlessly entered into the war for the soul of America. IF we will do this, we will hear those words we all long to hear from our Lord on that glorious day, “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”

Pastor Mike

You may support The Transforming Word Ministry by sending your gifts to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807

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Or by PayPal studies@thetransformingword.com

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