A Perversion of Justice

“…we must understand that the only road to peace and social justice is socialism…With the exploiting classes there will never be peace.”[1]

“…it is necessary to understand that every modern theory of social justice is ideological. No matter how reasonable or rational it may be, every modern theory of social justice is the rationalization of the interests of a particular group or class.”[2]

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8[3]

Justice for all! This statement is a great sound bite but little more than that. Indeed, as it is used today, it is superfluous on the surface and vacuous once a brief examination is undertaken. However, given that Americans have been conditioned to respond to sound bite journalism and half-truths and worse masquerading as fact-based news, this mantra has become a dangerous, misleading, although effective ploy utilized by those bent on destroying America.

For justice to be realized by all, at least two things are necessary foundationally: there must be a standard or system of justice available to all that is objective, that is, it is beyond the frailties and double-mindedness of man, and all parties interested in justice for all must recognize this objective standard as guiding principles for determining when justice has been exhibited. In other words, there must be law and the rule of law must prevail over all well-intentioned and/or misguided arguments based on emotions, feelings, or the ideology-du-jour.

In order for true justice to prevail and guide any people in their shared lives, justice must be impartial, proportionally related to behavior so that each individual receives his or her due, whether that due is reward or punishment. This must be in accord with the objective standard agreed upon as the guiding principles mentioned above.

America was founded upon Christian principles. Therefore, God’s moral law has undergirded the guiding principles of this republic even before the American Revolution. The Mayflower Compact, the first governing document of English settlers to America makes this clear. The Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights follow suit in recognizing the God of the Christian Bible as Creator, Sustainer, Lord, and Law Giver. His immutable and timeless law is recognized as the foundation for America’s laws.

John Locke said, “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.” President John F. Kennedy recognized that truth when he stated during his inaugural address that: “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” Sir William Blackstone, the acclaimed English jurist and scholar of jurisprudence, wrote that:

“Man … must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator…This will of his Maker is called the law of nature…This law of nature…is of course superior to any other…No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force…from this original.”[4]        

Additionally, justice has many different applications and therefore must be understood within several different contexts, among them: commercial, vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice.[5] Commercial justice defines voluntary relationships, while vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice defines involuntary relationships. Theologian and Philosopher E. Calvin Beisner, offers this explanation:

Commercial justice requires that if we desire what another has, we must offer something he prefers in exchange for it, not acquire it by force or fraud – whether directly (picking his pocket) or indirectly (using a law to take from him and give to ourselves or others). Violations of commercial justice by fraud, theft, or violence bring punitive and vindictive justice into play as correctives.

When one person violates another’s rights (which are defined by justice), the injury is to be redressed by vindictive, retributive, and punitive justice. Vindictive justice judges the victim right in his cause (1 Kings 8:32; Deuteronomy 25:1). Retributive justice (from the Latin re, or “back,” and tribuere, “to pay”) requires the offender to restore the victim to his status before the offense (Exodus 22:1-15). Punitive justice applies a penalty to the offender as punishment for violating the law (Romans 13:4). In crimes against property (theft or destruction), punitive and retributive justice combine in the offender’s restoring what was taken or destroyed (retribution, also called restitution) plus some additional amount (punishment).

Sometimes someone harms another accidently. Then, remedial justice requires the one who caused the harm to share the cost equally with the victim (Exodus 21:35) but adds no penalty. But if he is negligent, he must be punished by bearing the whole loss (Exodus 21:33-34, 36), restoring the victim fully to his former state at his own expense.[6]

In the current climate of identity politics, gender dysphoria, and Marxian and Critical Theories run amok, these requirements for justice appear to be out of reach. That leaves us with a bare naked power grab by certain people, or cast in Darwinian terms, a fight for the survival of the strongest, where might makes right. In America today that means political power financed by globalists who espouse anti-American ideologies. The ability to force people to comply against their wishes and of the common good has defined tyranny throughout the ages. Sadly, much of the American Protestant church has been deceived and is supporting the multi-pronged Luciferian lunacy of the leftists and other assorted God haters.

Aiding and Abetting the Perversion of Justice

Recently the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) abdicated their responsibility to proclaim God’s truth by adopting Critical Theory and Intersectionality as guiding principles. Critical Theory and especially Critical Race Theory assume what they set out to prove. It is at best, circular reasoning on steroids. What it is at worse is a system for justifying racism against whites. If that statement makes you nervous, you are probably influenced by the now non-stop drumbeat of the white supremacy, white privilege nonsense perpetrated by Critical Theory race baiters embedded in the Southern Baptist Convention as well as many other denominations.

Critical Theory has already conquered numerous universities as evidenced by the growing number of white privilege courses being offered to students. The reason there is no uproar over this insanity is because college freshman have already been indoctrinated with the socialist, leftist, Marxist global citizenship lies such that by the time they enter college they have become victims of mass mind control that makes the CIA blush over its effectiveness.

Alex Newman, writing in the February 4, 2019 edition of the New American says:

More than 20 years ago, Hillary Clinton published a book called It Takes a Village. The key takeaway from the book is that the raising of children needs to be viewed as a collective responsibility, and that the government must take a much more active role. More recently, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry did a segment going even further. “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to the whole community…Of course that idea is not new. In 1932, American Communist Party leader William Z. Foster, in his book Toward Soviet America, outlined similar goals. “Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are the following: the schools, colleges and universities will be coordinated and grouped under the National Department of Education and its state and local branches,” he wrote. “The studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian dialectic materialism, internationalism and the general ethics of the new Socialist society…Indeed dictators have long understood that shaping the minds of children is the surest method of keeping power. As Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) tyrant Adolph Hitler put it, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”…Education, it turns out, is the secret weapon of those seeking to build what they frequently refer to in public as a New World Order. And they not only admit it, they boast of it in public. The very future of the United States as a free and self-governing republic hinges on the outcome of this battle.[7]

According to the Socialists-Communists in the U.S. Senate and House, as well as Socialists-Communists in every level of government and even in the U.S. Judiciary, American’s who believe in the rule of law, in the God-given rights of Americans, in liberty and freedom, in limited government, and State’s rights to tell the U.S. Government to “take a hike,” are prime candidates for re-education. That means many Americans must be indoctrinated with an ideology that sees religion, by which is meant true Christianity, and patriotism, by which is meant nationalism, as “bourgeois.”

The questions I have for all those Protestant and SBC leaders and the growing number of confessing Socialist-Communist Evangelicals such as Tim Keller and David Platt, is this: How do you legitimately espouse such demonic nonsense and think you are being true to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How can you adopt Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Social Justice, homosexual and even transgender propaganda and believe you are remaining faithful to the Scriptures? What people who hide behind and fly the flag of “inclusion” are really doing is waving the white flag of surrender to culture and the demonic hordes that have carefully crafted American culture for the last one hundred plus years. People who believe they are Christians and who see no conflict with their support of Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Big Gay, and every other interest that sets itself against the truth of God, have become useful idiots for the enemies of Christ and of the freedom and liberties we enjoy as Americans.

Founding Father John Adams was right when he wrote in a letter to the Massachusetts Third Division in 1798, that: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” This explains why the Socialist-Communists in our governments, their allies in the media, and Big Gay hate the rule of law and hate any reference to the Founding Fathers and our governing documents: they are not a moral people and they will not abide by any moral code that calls their behavior immoral, wicked, and evil.

I encourage every freedom loving American to begin to tell the people described above that we will not tolerate their continued attack upon this nation’s principles and follow that up with action. What is happening in your local community will determine the necessary action items for you. I also suggest you utilize your network of people to grow an organization of resistance to the creeping Socialism-Communism in our governments and in our churches. If you will not stand up and fight back now it may be too late in the very near future.

Dr. Mike Spaulding




[1] Celia Hart, The Flag of Coyoacan, edited by Walter Lippmann in August 2004. Repreinted in Marxist.org Cited in Carl Teichrib, Forcing Change, Volume 4, Issue 8, p. 1.

[2] William E. Murnion, “The Ideology of Social Justice in Economic Justice For All,” Journal of Business Ethics, p. 848, 1989. Cited in Teichrib, p. 1.

[3] All Bible references are taken from The New American Standard translation (Lockman Foundation, 1995).

[4] See https://nccs.net/blogs/our-ageless-constitution/natural-law-the-ultimate-source-of-constitutional-law

[5] See E. Calvin Beisner, Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel, Good Tree Press, 2018.

[6] Beisner, p. 24-25.

[7] Alex Newman, The New American, Rescuing Our Children, February 4, 2019, p.7.

Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998. Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as pastor.

Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a M.T.S., and a Ph.D. in apologetics. He is the author of #MTPGA (Make the Pulpit Great Again): 12 Things Christians Can Do Right Now; Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ: Commentary on America’s “Hot Button” Issues; Matthew: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ, Volume 1; and Mark: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ, Volume 1. He is a contributing author to Social Injustice; The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions; and Daily Devotions with Calvary Chapel Pastors. Mike is a frequent conference speaker and has appeared on broadcasts including Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse, The Hagmann Report, Caravan to Midnight and Ark Midnight with John B. Wells, and Five In Ten on Skywatch TV.

Mike is the host of Soaring Eagle Radio (www.soaringeagleradio.com), Dr. Mike Live (www.drmikelive.com), and cohosts The Kingdom War Room with Dr. Michael Lake (www.kingdomintelligencebriefing.com) .

His teaching ministry is featured on the radio program “The Transforming Word,” heard on radio stations throughout the Midwest United States.

Mike has been married to his lovely wife Kathy for over 36 years and together they have four daughters and six grandchildren.

You may contact Mike via email – pastormike@cclohio.org or by writing him at the address below. You may follow him on Twitter – @ccpastormike

Dr. Mike Spaulding
P.O. Box 3007
Elida, Ohio 45807

Who’s Team Is President Trump Playing For? – Coach Dave Daubenmire

I don’t know if I have ever seen a public figure as hard to figure out as President Trump.  Certainly, no one who has ever been elected to the Presidency has been more of a battle axe than he.  He has forged a political coalition that has baffled even the most seasoned political scientists.

Which team is President Trump playing on?  Is he part of the Deep State, and his promise to “drain the swamp” is merely a diabolical diversion from what he is actually orchestrating, or is he really “one of us” a man who has promised to deliver our government back into the hands of  “we the people.”

We are going to know very soon.

Continue reading

Who Cares? Why Don’t We? The Attack On Western Civilization, Part 1 – Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: What’s happening to America by its own hand: immigration, cultural chaos via diversity and multiculturalism

Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

This series provides a poignant and far-reaching interview with Bromwell Ault, 90, Yale graduate and author of:  Who Lost America?  He penetrates the reasons for America’s spiraling downfall into multiculturalism, diversity, endless immigration and population overload.  He offers an extraordinary depth of understanding of America’s predicament from seven decades of observations on the world stage.

I have spoken with him for hours on this subject. He brings extraordinary wisdom, understanding, and comprehension of America’s predicament.

Ault relates his thoughts as to the changes sweeping over America:

We mention these enormous changes in our society and technology in the brief period of the last half-century because we have recently entered into another period of similarly far-reaching change with the potential to devastate our values, completely alter our culture and turn America away from the destiny which past generations imagined would be theirs and strove to attain. These threats are real and have been enabled by our educational, cultural and political avoidance.

There are multiple factors that contribute to the lassitude that has gripped our government, corrupted our political class and turned the type of national unity we have been able to call upon in the past into a distant memory. If we cannot regain our past ability to view ourselves and function as one nation, then the American dream — however, it is deemed — will no longer exist.

And our time frame is shrinking more rapidly than we can know from the information or opinions provided by our government and/or MSM. It is this rapidly contracting time for corrective action that has given rise to this series of chapters we call The Attack on Western Civilization (WCIV).

America is the youngest and strongest member of what we refer to as WCIV — a mixture of thought, art, religion, government, politics, music, science, commerce, genetics and population with pre-Christian origins in the cultures of Greece and Rome. As war between the various western European states was a constant for centuries, unity was an infrequent experience, most notably exercised to turn back Muslim invasions at Tours, Vienna and the Crimea and to recapture the Christian Holy Land via the Crusades of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries; and in more modern times to deny the designs for conquest and territorial acquisition by Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Stalin.

Europe’s monarchies controlled its power until they self-destructed in the failing values and leadership of World War I (WW I). Their system did not allow for real unity because power could shift instantly due to birth, death, marriage, insanity, religion, as well as the usual state causes such as the expansion of commerce, territory, and population.

It became clear that this beautiful, glimmering sense of unity needed determined leadership and improvement to survive in the massive rebuilding of Europe after WW II. And although Europe has been strengthened by new methods and institutions, old ways and memories persist because they have been tried and hardened and have endured centuries of history and conflict. Even so, European unity pales beside that which the U.S. displayed so powerfully in the two great wars of the 20th century. The reason lies in our origin when the first step in becoming a free nation required surrendering our colonial identities of almost 200 years, and establishing the unity that allowed our founders dreams of freedom, honor, and equality to survive and be passed on to future generations.

While we have departed from our WCIV forbears in many ways, our culture is predominantly the same. Our language, law, dress, religion, food, history, music, literature, architecture, and science have European roots and branches onto which we have grafted our own forms for over 200 years. Some have been beautiful, others offensive; but culture, like history, is a long span, an endless game in which we participate only brie y. It thanks us, or not, for our contributions; it uses them, or not, as it prefers. We have been privileged to have a part in it, and we have taken pride in that part.

We have gone into some detail because culture, history, unity and other elements of WCIV are now under global attack and, once again, if we in the West are to defend ourselves, America will have to lead. The peril we face is one of many parts, as are the problems that it will increasingly force upon us. In this, we will describe the background and the threats that we must confront. And we will outline what we must do and how it should be done. For Matters of Conscience, this will require a transformative editorial move away from commentary towards activism which we would not consider unless the stakes were as high as they are.

Contact: Bromwell Ault, www.CenterforPublicConscience.org

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Left Is Destroying Our Children – Dave Daubenmire

I heard a conservative commentator on TV make reference to “the Godless Left” the other night.  As so often happens we hear and repeat statements that often give validity to a premise that is factually flawed.

There is no such thing as a “Godless” person.  Everyone serves somebody or something.  Admit it or not we all find ourselves manipulated by forces beyond our own control.

For some it is an addiction…cigarettes…drugs…cell phones…but whatever we give our time to is what we serve.  The “Godless Left” is not really Godless.  They are Christ-less…but not Godless.  Most of the Godless Left simply serve the “god” of self.

You see it everywhere you look…MY body MY choice…don’t judge ME…who are you to tell ME what I can do.  When you remove the God of the Bible from society you don’t remove God…you simply change the god that is served.

The Bible tells us “that when there was no King in Israel the people did what was right in their own eyes.”  Self is now the King over America.  If it feels good do it…how better to please the god of self than to feed every one of its carnal desires.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said “to educate a child and not train him in morality is to educate a menace to society.”  Our amoral public schools are destroying our nation.

But they are not really amoral…void of morality…but self-moral in that right and wrong is determined by the belief system of the individual.   “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”…that is the mushy foundation upon which the New America is being built.

It is sinking sand.  A nation is no longer a nation if it does not share a common culture.  A nation’s culture is not determined by skin color, or ethnicity, or gender, but by a common sense of values.  A nation where whim is the determining factor in right and wrong cannot possibly survive.  If the Truth is constantly changing like Bruce Jenner’s gender then it was never really Truth to begin with.

Fake news, fake science, fake education all share the same thing in common.  They are all agenda driven.  “Truth” is shaped and molded to produce a desired outcome.  There is no proof of Darwinian evolution, or gender confusion, or the existence of God, but our children are being taught in government schools that they can create their own Truth simply by manipulating Science.

Millions of dollars are spent annually in an attempt to “prove” evolution while very little scientific research is funded to prove the EXISTENCE of God.  This is a perfect example of paying science to prove your already-believed theory.  So much of our current educational system is hell-bent on destroying God that the scientific research is directed explicitly at that target.  “There is no God and we can prove it!”  Except they can’t, no matter how hard they try.

But they can use deception.  They can create an educational system totally devoid of the God of the Bible and His precepts for how a society is supposed to operate.  That system is called multiculturalism which is simply a game plan for how to live together without a common set of values.  Tolerance has replaced Truth.  One belief is just as valid as another. Who are you to judge?  We are all just one big happy family of divergent Truths striving to co-exist on a foundation of sinking sand.

Our churches are the ones to blame.  Instead of fighting for Truth and demanding that the Truth be taught to our children we have opened the flood gates and permitted the creation of a theological swamp where Truth is merely one of a thousand opinions and God is recreated to fit the belief system of the individual.  When you create your own version of God you can mold Him into your own system of beliefs.  The average American Church no longer flies the banner of Truth.

This past weekend a few dozen of my friends and I took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a local mosque, an abortion clinic, and to a homosexual-shame parade.  In each instance we were struck by how obvious it is that The LEFT is feasting on our children.

I remember as a young man reading where Nikita Khrushchev said “Give us a generation and we will give you communism.”  The plan of the Devil has always been to infiltrate and mislead.  Today in America all of our major institutions are under the control of The Left, including the church, and the fruit of that infiltration can be seen on any street in any town in America.

Our children are murdering our grandchildren in abortion clinics around the nation.  The homosexualists have seized the government schools to the point that the average American can no longer recognize the evil of male on male butt sex.  In fact, neither can our churches.  The Pastors and church leaders are accepting and promoting perversions which fly in the face of the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

If our churches no longer recognize right from wrong what hope do our children have?

The next generation of Americans has very little in common with the morality of their grandparents.  Give them sex, drugs, video games…anything but JESUS!!  That is how The Left is destroying our children.

Below are three short videos of our Gospel outreach this past weekend.  Watch them and weep.  The church is asleep in the light.  The Devil is eating our children.

Mosque  [YouTube Video]

Abortion [YouTube Video]

Homo  [YouTube Video]

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Believe it! Democrats Are At War With America.

Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic, and the WAR has already begun.

Image: Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic, and the WAR has already begun

(Natural News) “Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point,” reports Kurt Schlichter of Townhall.com. “When people tell you they want to hurt you, you should believe them. And we Normals are starting to listen to what liberals say.”

Schlichter goes on to explain:

There’s really nowhere else for the liberals to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Normals are not merely wrong and not merely evil, but that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest evildoers in evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate. In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible. So, since they’ve taken reasoned debate off the table, there are not a lot of options left for resolving political and cultural differences. There are lies, intimidation, and violence. That’s about it. And the first two have stopped working.

That leaves them only violence. We’ve already seen it, and you can sense that it’s only a matter of time before the liberals openly embrace it. They have set the conditions for it. They have dehumanized the opposition, that is, us. Their lesser tactics aren’t working.

What’s clear now is that Democrats are planning the complete destruction of the Republic and mass executions of Trump supporters. Democrats have no desire to “coexist” with normal people; they want to destroy, dominate and suffocate any who oppose them.

America is under attack. The civil war has already begun, and if you live in America, you are living in what has now become an active battlefield where lunatic Leftists are waging war against those who love America, support the Constitution or dare to disagree with the deranged Left.

Watch my latest Counterthink broadcast, “Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic” here:

This article appeared on Natural News website June 26, 2018 here.