Dr. Mike Spaulding

Random thoughts from a disciple of Jesus Christ

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Lead Like Jesus? – Pastor Mike Spaulding

Lead like Jesus! Sounds super spiritual and to use today’s hipster pastor language, “way cool!” There are blog posts, multiple articles, even books all dedicated to assisting readers in leading like Jesus lead. The question is, what does that even mean?

In many instances today, authors, speakers, and writers paint a picture of the compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, tolerance, and unbounded grace of Jesus. While Jesus is all those things, it doesn’t follow that is His leadership style. The fact is, modern Western Christianity has created a sad caricature of the biblical Jesus.

In Mark 10:32 we read that Jesus and the disciples were on the road once again, this time to head to Jerusalem. This verse says “and Jesus was walking ahead of them, and they were amazed, and those who followed were fearful.” The context of this passage and the place it sits within the overall narrative of Mark’s Gospel is important to understand.

Jesus was now within a few weeks, perhaps as few as 4 to 6, from His divine appointment at Golgotha. Chapter 11:1 tells us Jesus and the disciples approached Jerusalem. Their entry into Jerusalem in verse 11 is what we call Palm Sunday. So the events we are reading about in Mark 10  are relevant to their arrival in Jerusalem and the rapid escalation of hatred that culminated in Calvary.

So, Jesus was walking ahead of the twelve disciples and they were amazed. Do you know why they were amazed? The text doesn’t tell us specifically but I believe the twelve were amazed at the bold determination of Jesus to march right into the jaws of the beast that awaited Him in Jerusalem. The religious system of Judaism in that day was an apostate beast system of corruption, manipulation, and deceit. The Jews had been plotting to murder Jesus for at least the previous 18-24 months. They seethed with rage just thinking of His popularity among the people, and they had become convinced that unless Jesus was killed their entire religious business was going to collapse like an unstable house of cards.

In the events recorded in Mark 10, the Pharisees thought they had conceived of the perfect plan and that they had been patient enough to spring their trap when Jesus crossed over the Jordan into Perea (“beyond the Jordan” in 10:1). They deliberately brought up the issue of divorce thinking they could manipulate Jesus into getting Himself arrested based on His own words. The Pharisee’s plan was to engage Jesus in a debate about divorce while He was traveling through the territory ruled by Herod Antipas. It was Herod Antipas who had John the Baptists’ head removed. Do you recall why Herod took such action?  John was jailed and executed because he spoke loud and often that Herod was an adulterer for stealing his brother’s wife. But Jesus once again took them to theological school by teaching them God’s thoughts on the subject.

Now, I’m stating all of this to show you the true nature of Jesus’ leadership style.  Friends, Jesus is not the effeminate Fabio caricature much of the American church thinks He is. Do you want to lead like Jesus? Then here is what you are going to need to do.

(1) You are going to have to lead the way. You are going to have to take the point. I know it has become popular to say that pastoral leadership is all about teaching others to do the ministry. The reality is others will follow and learn as you lead and do. But you better be very careful about how and where you lead God’s people, especially if you are considered a shepherd. God will hold you personally responsible for the spiritual nourishment or lack thereof that His people receive.

(2) You are going to have to find some courage. Leading is not about having all the answers. Only Jesus had all the answers. Leading is about having a determination to meet evil head-on. This includes being courageous in the pulpit. Pastors and ministry leaders simply must stop all the cotton candy sermons about how much God loves people.  The most glaring problem in the church today is not a lack of self-love. People already love themselves too much.

(3) You are going to have to stop listening to false teachers. Today we have well-known teachers, former and current pastors, and heads of denominational organizations who have succumbed to critical race theory propaganda, cultural Marxism, LGBT depravity, the demonic deception that Islam is compatible with American culture and values, and every other Luciferian agenda passed off as “compassionate Christianity.” Listen to me brethren: find some courage and denounce these people and their heresies because here is the truth of the matter:

  • Islam is the military arm of the forces of hell.
  • American media is the propaganda arm of the forces of hell.
  • Apostate Christianity provides the “religious” covering and immoral framework for the forces of hell.
  • The United States Supreme Court has wrested power away from the aristocrats in Congress and has become the legal sledgehammer for the forces of hell.
  • Naive, deceived, and compromised Christians are the useful idiots of the forces of hell.
  • America’s corporations including multi-national companies, central banks, and social media behemoths, provide the financial support for the forces of hell.

There is a reason Jesus confronted the beast religious system of His day: He recognized that it was not of God, did not obey His commands, and was instead worshipping idols of their own creation. The LGBT flag-waving, affirming, proud professing Christians are going to wake up in eternity and experience sheer terror when they hear “depart from Me you workers of iniquity.” Listen to me Christian: there is nothing to be proud of when one man sticks his penis into another man’s rectum. Have you lost your mind? That is not love and love has not won anything. Wickedness won and if you can’t see that then you are the problem.

The Islamic interfaith dialogue crowd is a picture of what happens when you deny centuries of history, the plain teachings of the Koran, the current speeches of the God-haters scattered all around the world in mosques, and the barbaric atrocities committed daily for Allah’s honor. What is there to dialogue about with people who say Jesus Christ was not the Son of God, did not die on a cross, never rose from the dead, and certainly is not the Savior of the world? With the fields white to harvest why are impotent stooges being honored for giving Islamic jihadists cover with their blind ego-driven speeches and seminars?

(4) You will need to realize that not all will follow you. The twelve were amazed but the larger contingency of disciples that followed Jesus was fearful (10:32). As I mentioned above, the twelve were amazed at Jesus’ resolve to travel directly to Jerusalem. The twelve knew the heated debates and angry words the religious leaders hurled at Jesus. The twelve had been ridiculed themselves for following Jesus. Watching Jesus walk that road straight into Jerusalem was a lesson they would forget in Gethsemane and in the days following Jesus ascension but, it was also one they remembered and drew strength and courage from after the giving of the Holy Spirit.

Some will fall away because they fear the path you are walking. They fear what they perceive to be the negative consequences for them personally. They will count the cost and decide it is too high a price to pay.

(5) You are going to have to tell people to stop sinning. America is currently in a period of time in which we are witnessing a mass exodus from the church. Do you have any idea why? The reason is simply this: people see very little difference between the lives of professing Christians and the general population. The church does not need another sermon series on being the best parent or spouse you can be. Christians do not need to be told to have their best life now. Christians need to understand that there are answers to their heartbreak. Statistics tell us that pornography is at an all-time high and rising among both men and women who profess faith in Christ. The church doesn’t need another sermon series on good sex. It needs clear biblical teaching on the God-given gift of sex that honors each spouse and that brings to bear the spiritual significance of sexual intercourse within marriage. The church needs to recover its identity as the assembly of the saints but it will not until the saints start acting like the people of God once again. The church needs accountability.

Do you want to lead like Jesus? If so then I encourage you to read Mark 10:38. There you see the cost to yourself and all that you count dear in this life. So, ask yourself, are you able to drink the cup Jesus drank? If you want to lead like Jesus, friend, you better buckle up because the ride is going to get bumpy. You are going to be misunderstood and even hated. You will be seen as a threat to the apostates of the beast religious system which is much of American Christianity, and you will be completely out of step, out of tune, and out of sync with the world system.

Father, I pray that You would raise up men and women who understand the times in which we live and who will not be afraid to lead with fearless conviction and Holy Spirit power, straight into the bared teeth of the Luciferians who control America. Father, equip us with divine courage that we would not flinch at the sight of evil but would instead snarl right back with a ferociousness born of a blood-bought soul. I ask this covering to be upon all who read these words and volunteer to lead like Jesus. In the wonderful, mighty, powerful name of Jesus I ask this, amen!

The Left Is Destroying Our Children – Dave Daubenmire

I heard a conservative commentator on TV make reference to “the Godless Left” the other night.  As so often happens we hear and repeat statements that often give validity to a premise that is factually flawed.

There is no such thing as a “Godless” person.  Everyone serves somebody or something.  Admit it or not we all find ourselves manipulated by forces beyond our own control.

For some it is an addiction…cigarettes…drugs…cell phones…but whatever we give our time to is what we serve.  The “Godless Left” is not really Godless.  They are Christ-less…but not Godless.  Most of the Godless Left simply serve the “god” of self.

You see it everywhere you look…MY body MY choice…don’t judge ME…who are you to tell ME what I can do.  When you remove the God of the Bible from society you don’t remove God…you simply change the god that is served.

The Bible tells us “that when there was no King in Israel the people did what was right in their own eyes.”  Self is now the King over America.  If it feels good do it…how better to please the god of self than to feed every one of its carnal desires.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said “to educate a child and not train him in morality is to educate a menace to society.”  Our amoral public schools are destroying our nation.

But they are not really amoral…void of morality…but self-moral in that right and wrong is determined by the belief system of the individual.   “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”…that is the mushy foundation upon which the New America is being built.

It is sinking sand.  A nation is no longer a nation if it does not share a common culture.  A nation’s culture is not determined by skin color, or ethnicity, or gender, but by a common sense of values.  A nation where whim is the determining factor in right and wrong cannot possibly survive.  If the Truth is constantly changing like Bruce Jenner’s gender then it was never really Truth to begin with.

Fake news, fake science, fake education all share the same thing in common.  They are all agenda driven.  “Truth” is shaped and molded to produce a desired outcome.  There is no proof of Darwinian evolution, or gender confusion, or the existence of God, but our children are being taught in government schools that they can create their own Truth simply by manipulating Science.

Millions of dollars are spent annually in an attempt to “prove” evolution while very little scientific research is funded to prove the EXISTENCE of God.  This is a perfect example of paying science to prove your already-believed theory.  So much of our current educational system is hell-bent on destroying God that the scientific research is directed explicitly at that target.  “There is no God and we can prove it!”  Except they can’t, no matter how hard they try.

But they can use deception.  They can create an educational system totally devoid of the God of the Bible and His precepts for how a society is supposed to operate.  That system is called multiculturalism which is simply a game plan for how to live together without a common set of values.  Tolerance has replaced Truth.  One belief is just as valid as another. Who are you to judge?  We are all just one big happy family of divergent Truths striving to co-exist on a foundation of sinking sand.

Our churches are the ones to blame.  Instead of fighting for Truth and demanding that the Truth be taught to our children we have opened the flood gates and permitted the creation of a theological swamp where Truth is merely one of a thousand opinions and God is recreated to fit the belief system of the individual.  When you create your own version of God you can mold Him into your own system of beliefs.  The average American Church no longer flies the banner of Truth.

This past weekend a few dozen of my friends and I took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a local mosque, an abortion clinic, and to a homosexual-shame parade.  In each instance we were struck by how obvious it is that The LEFT is feasting on our children.

I remember as a young man reading where Nikita Khrushchev said “Give us a generation and we will give you communism.”  The plan of the Devil has always been to infiltrate and mislead.  Today in America all of our major institutions are under the control of The Left, including the church, and the fruit of that infiltration can be seen on any street in any town in America.

Our children are murdering our grandchildren in abortion clinics around the nation.  The homosexualists have seized the government schools to the point that the average American can no longer recognize the evil of male on male butt sex.  In fact, neither can our churches.  The Pastors and church leaders are accepting and promoting perversions which fly in the face of the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

If our churches no longer recognize right from wrong what hope do our children have?

The next generation of Americans has very little in common with the morality of their grandparents.  Give them sex, drugs, video games…anything but JESUS!!  That is how The Left is destroying our children.

Below are three short videos of our Gospel outreach this past weekend.  Watch them and weep.  The church is asleep in the light.  The Devil is eating our children.

Mosque  [YouTube Video]

Abortion [YouTube Video]

Homo  [YouTube Video]

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Lifting the Veil – Long Island, New York

Hi Everyone,

The Pre Order Sale of the Long Island NY Conference is underway.  The cost is just 89.00 for the entire set!!!  That’s 40.00 off the regular price.

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO ORDER TODAY.  You can use PayPal or any major credit card to complete your purchase.  Or, visit www.HearTheWatchmen.com

Below are all the speaker’s topics.  

Pastor Carl Gallups: “Fake News or Fake Israel?  The Most prophetic days since the 1st coming of Jesus Christ.  The Gods of Ground Zero are on the Move

Derek Gilbert: “The Traveling Dead: Revealing the Identity of Gog, the Second coming of Hercules and Bible  Prophecies of the Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse”

Dave Daubenmire: “Stop Waiting for Someone Else!”

Dr. Michael Lake: “The Kingdom Dynamic of the Fire of God”

Russ Dizdar: “The Final Unveiling from Both Sides”

Pastor Paul Begley:  The” Revealing”

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat: “Radiant:” The Image of the Most  High God

Pastor Mike Spaulding:  “Missionaries to America”

LA Marzulli: “The Coming Great Deception-Fatima-UFO Disclosure”

Pastor Caspar McCloud : “Wheat, Tares & Christ’s Heirs”

Bible and Prayer Channel on David Heavener TV


Hey friends! I am joining David Heavener on his ground-breaking media platform – DavidHeavener.TV

Here is a list of current channels:

  • The Last Evangelist Channel
  • Supernatural Channel
  • Right to Life Channel
  • Indie Faith Film Channel
  • Prayer and Bible Channel
  • David Heavener Live
  • Academy of Film

Please go to https://davidheavener.tv/ and subscribe today.

‘Drag Tots!’ and ‘Super Drags’ Cartoons Wooing Kids

Netflix continues their assault on children

Adding more controversial programming to its lineup this year, Netflix – along with another network – has announced plans to air a new animated series about cross-dressing drag queens to introduce, desensitize or incite children to the homosexual lifestyle.

The sexual and perverted nature of Netflix’s and the World of Wonder channel’s disturbing cartoons has spurred Christian entertainment and movie critics to send out a warning to parents.

“More than ever, parents need to be on top of what their children may be watching, because the days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons is officially over – honestly, it’s been over for a while,” MovieGuide advised. “Two new shows coming this year are pushing cross-dressing lifestyles on children.”

Shows for the whole family to avoid

The World of Wonder channel is premiering one of the disturbingly perverse cartoon series on June 28, using the world’s most recognized drag queen as a voiceover for one of the characters.

“The first is Drag Tots! – a disturbing cartoon from the production company that makes Rupaul’s drag race about toddler drag queens,” MovieGuide’s Dr. Ted Baehr informed. “The cast voicing the toddlers are famous drag queens, like RuPaul himself.”

Netflix – which has already pushed the controversial envelope with its arguably suicide-glorifying 13 Reasons series and its new series paying the Obamas $50-million – is also getting into promoting alternative lifestyles to kids through its debut of Super Drags this year.

Here is how the streaming network giant is introducing the release of its new kids’ animated TV series:

“By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest Super Drags in town, ready to combat shade and rescue the world’s glitter from the evil villains,” Netflix’s description of the TV show reads. “Get ready, because the Super Drags are going deeper than you think.”

The sexual content and graphic portrayal of body parts was in the programming is alarming – at best.

“The trailer – which Netflix released in May – shows drag queens dressing up, with superimposed shots of a characters’ breasts and buttocks,” Baehr pointed out.

Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing …

With all of the gender-bending hysteria over-sexualizing kids that is being pushed in the schools, media and entertainment industry in the name of tolerance and civil rights, the alarm is being sounded for families to closely monitor shows – even when they’re specially designated for youth.

“What should now be clear for parents is that you can’t trust a network’s children programming simply because they deem it ‘children’s programming,’” Baehr alerted families. “The filmmakers will insert whatever messaging they desire, and many parents won’t notice.”

Even Disney – the biggest name in kids’ entertainment in the world – has been in the habit of subjecting children to deviant sexual lifestyles, including a homosexual couple shown in its latest non-animated big screen version of Beauty and the Beast and in its popular animated series.

“Disney XD – a channel that numerous parents will leave on all day to distract their children – drew controversy last year for featuring a boy princess in an episode of Star vs. The Forces of Evil,” the Christian movie critic recounted. “The Disney Channel has also featured multiple LGBT stories in various children’s shows.”

Drag queens coming to a local school or library near you …

And the motivation behind exposing children to deviant sexual lifestyles is recognized as being more than tolerance or acceptance, as Baehr warns that the objective is to tear down Christian morals and inculcate kids with a new brand of sexual morality before encouraging them to explore unnatural relations.

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about sexualized themes and agenda’s in children shows, but the reality is that they do have to worry,” the Christian entertainment guru insisted. “Whether it be Drag Queen reading sessions at schools, characters of classic literature being made lesbians, or your local city holding a LGBT Pride event, Christians should be ready to pass on biblical values and teachings to their children regarding these issues.”

In fact, libraries have been some of the most popular venues for local governments to encourage youth to explore the world of drag queens.

“Last year, the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach, California – a public facility – presented to children in its young readers program a huge array of diversity and ‘inclusion’ programs, including a visit by a drag queen named Xochi Mochi,” WND reported. “Mochi’s visit took place during the “Drag Queen Story Hour” – a collaboration between the Long Beach Public Library, the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network and the LGBTQ nonprofit Imperial Court of Long Beach, according to the Long Beach Public Library’s calendar.”

Many might not too surprised of such a program turning up in deep-blue California, but such programs are also popping up in the nation’s interior, including Minnesota, where the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) announced its new summer series this month on cross-dressing called “Drag Story Hours,” which invites children and adults alike to attend.

LGBTQ activist Chad Kampe organizes queer-friendly events in Minnesota is has actively promoted the drag queen series with the library.

“Drag pushes people to break boundaries and explore creativity,” Kampe expressed, according to Intellectual Takeout. “At a very young age, we are taught to embrace our differences. Drag not only provides an opportunity to embrace who we are, it allows for us to broadcast and share who we are with the world.”

SPPL officials announced in a press release that the three gender-bending events in June and July are being livestreamed on Facebook and feature songs, story reading and two drag queen performers who will “strut their stuff for an over-the-top story hour.”

Sexually deviant lifestyles are hitting children with such frequency today as part of the government’s social justice campaign, which portrays so-called “transgenderism” as a civil rights issue – as if the decision to identify oneself as a different gender is the same as being an ethnic minority.

“The series is part of an inclusivity campaign called “We Belong Together” – a 2017 initiative that SPPL officials said was a response to the Trump administration’s so-called ‘Travel Ban,’” Intellectual Takeout’s Jon Miltimore explained.

Children visiting public libraries and attending public schools have been easy prey for such sexual indoctrination programs.

“Using public infrastructure as a vehicle to advance social justice morality is not new in Minnesota,” Miltimore stressed. ”In 2017, one of the state’s top school districts made national news after it was revealed officials had initiated a ‘sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to ‘racial equity.’”

The public library has worked hand-in-hand with “We Belong Together” to facilitate its events, and visiting the movement’s website shows that it puts a heavy emphasis on the drag culture. It provides visitors with a recommended reading list that exposes children to sexually deviant lifestyles, which has made many parents in Minnesota wary that local governments have launched a campaign that is essentially indoctrinating kids to embrace unbiblical sexuality.

“This agenda is just coming on so strong,” a Minnesota stay-at-home mom told Intellectual Takeout. “A very sad day has arrived when we are handing our children over with their innocence and their pure minds and filling them with such confusion.”

Copyright OneNewsNow.com. Reprinted with permission.

This article appeared here on June 23, 2018 –