Between Lambs and Lions – Mark Sutherland, Producer

In a dystopian future, politician Daniel Alesso campaigns against the oppressive New Republic, challenging the President as the last remaining honest face in American history.

Mark Sutherland is a friend and has given me permission to repost this short movie. In my opinion, America is perilously close to becoming what this movie suggests: a nation that has given up its liberties and freedoms and as a result of this constant bartering for peace and safety loses both and becomes the newest totalitarian nation on earth. Wake up remnant!



The Michael Flynn resignation has changed the equation. Donald Trump’s enemies are now playing this Russian connection gambit for all the mileage they can get out of it. Flynn appears to have misled Vice President Pence and others about his communication with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Trust was killed. The Deep State’s collective antennae shot up higher than that wall will ever be!

Trump has had enemies before, but the Deep State is an entirely different animal. I think he and Steve Bannon, lacking experience with the real centers of power in the Western world, quite underestimated what they would be up against. Paul Craig Roberts reports that former NSA spy John Schindler sent out a tweet immediately following Flynn’s departure indicating that the Deep State was “going nuclear” against Trump, and that “he will die in jail.” Continue reading