My friend Mike Spaulding, author and pastor, has a daunting task ahead of him. 

Some months ago, I read Mike’s latest book, Upside Down in America, and asked him to be the Peter Muhlenberg (look him up) of our time. As the fiery revival preacher Charles Finney once preached:


If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it!


Mike will find no help or support from the celebrity pastors, as he seeks to call ‘men of the cloth’ to take up their responsibility to preach and teach truth about self-government.

The striking 19th century painting above, The Wounded Angel, was painted by Hugo Simberg in 1903 and was voted “Finland’s national painting” in 2006. It now hangs in the National Gallery of Finland. 

In the piece, two boys carry a stricken angel through Elaintarha Park towards the Blind Girls’ School and the Home for Cripples. The expression of the boy in the rear embodies the bitterness in the hearts of many American children. 

To me, the angel is the body of Christ in America, which has become powerless against the enemies of God, despite the massive, wealthy institutional church franchises with elaborate facilities, corporate structure, and programs from Golf Tournament for Jesus, Ski-Trip for Jesus, Mediterranean Cruise for Jesus, not to mention fitness gyms and coffee bars in their facilities…which of course now commonly are closed to large gatherings in the day of American Communism’s last absurd attempt at control, through the Chinavirus Gaslighting Project. 

First, the worldly, corporate churches produced cynics and epicureans. Now, they produce simpering, cringing, masked zombies, bowing to Master Government. And not one in five thousand pastors stand to tell the truth! 

In public discourse, in parenting, in civil government: we Christians are supposed to be the salt and the light, bringing the counter-cultural, hard teachings of Jesus Christ. But the pastors in this country have conformed to the world, and to the petty, blue-light tyrants and their police crews, who embarrass themselves like so many of Hitler’s Gestapo troops once did.

In a larger sense, the wounded angel is the original hope of the New World: to glorify Christ, a mission held hostage now by religious careerists who sold their souls for mammon and popularity, and by a cruel, gaslighting Nanny State.

Simberg’s painting portrays our present condition in the body of Christ. But it need not be our future. God creates men and angels and upholds all by the power of His hand. When civilizations fall, it is God who chastises; when a people is renewed, it is God who brings new life.

TACTICAL CIVICS™ is “a mission to the Americans”, to teach our brethren to display the fruits of the spirit in everyday life — including our civil lives as one people OVER a Constitution, that now stands badly in need of enforcement. We can show the joy, the love, and the power of our High King to a hurting and lost world. We, the repentant Remnant. 

At the same time, we must keep American Communism from getting its second wind, and giving support to Chinese Communism. We must demonstrate the power of the sword demanded by Romans 13 and by U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 15. This is no new kind of citizenship; just the old model envisioned by James Madison, chief author of the Constitution. 

AmericaAgain! Trust, by teaching, supporting, and organizing Americans in the TACTICAL CIVICS™ way of life, will also restore the New Testament view of our responsibilities for ourselves and our children, and the early American view of our duty to oversee and limit our public servants. We will remove the angel’s blindfold.

As thousands, then tens of thousands, and eventually hundreds of thousands of Americans join us on this road to “repentance in action”, let us also appear to our poor, downtrodden brethren in far-flung places, as the angel with the healed wing.  

David Zuniga

To learn more about how you can get involved in the effort to turn America around visit Tactical Civics

Painting public domain courtesy of Wiki Commons

A Much Needed Reminder – Pastor Mike Spaulding

Welcome to 2021! If you are like me to any degree, you are not sad to see 2020 go away. Here in Ohio, we have experienced things I never thought possible, most of them instigated by our Governor and his enablers in the state’s senate and house.

Have you considered that 2021 may be a continuation of 2020? What makes us think that once the calendar turns to 2021 things will change? There is certainly nothing magical about a new day or year under the same circumstances. What Americans are experiencing right now will not change unless Americans determine to take appropriate action to change their circumstances.

One thing among many that 2020 has cemented in the consciousness of a growing number of Americans is this – elected representatives at both the state and federal level do not respect those they claim to represent. This disrespect has been decades in the making but has finally been unveiled for even the casual observer to notice. The year 2020 pulled back the curtain, rent every remaining thread of illusion that politicians are not simply wholly owned by corporations, foreign governments, and their financial bag-men otherwise known as lobbyists, notwithstanding their periodic reelection speeches to the contrary.

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We are living in a time of revealing. Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots, and other freedom and liberty-minded people, should take the time to rejoice. There are many reasons to rejoice today but here is one that some may be missing – we should rejoice because the God-haters, the America-haters, the freedom-haters, the liberty-haters, in short, the satanic, demonic, Leftists among us are finally being exposed on a scale and at a depth never before seen in American history.

Leftists, Marxists, Communists, Democrats, America-haters, and God-haters, all have one thing in common – they serve a demonic master who has completely destroyed their innate ability to reason for the common good. I and many others have said for many years that Leftist politics, whether Marxist or Globalist, is a mental disorder. We are seeing that truth verified like never before.

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“Upside Down in America” Now Available!

My new book, “Upside Down in America: What Went Wrong and How Do We Make It Right Again?” is now available through Amazon and other booksellers.

Send me a message through the contact form on this page if you would like a signed copy, or email me for instructions –


You may support The Transforming Word Ministry by sending your gifts to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807

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Never Again! Until the Next Time: The Greatest Deception

Photo courtesy of Capitol Hill Outsider

I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again[1]

And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many … for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:5-6, 22-23 NASB

There is an eight hundred pound gorilla on the world stage and nearly every political leader in the world, save Trump, Ader of Hungary, and Duda of Poland, plus a few more, refuse to acknowledge its presence. It is getting really awkward for Macron, Merkel, and May. The atrocities that they have allowed to be committed against their citizenry by this gorilla deny reason. Can open revolt In France, Germany, and the United Kingdom be too far off?

Stated simply, world leaders who advocate for the continued freedom of this gorilla to behave in any way it desires are either deceived or being paid to downplay what is clearly a war against Western civilization. I believe it is some of both but mostly deception. Somehow, Western leaders believe they can contain the cancer that is Islam.

What kind of blindness is this? How can political leaders who rise through the cesspool of maneuvering to reach national prominence not understand what Islam is? The message of Islam is simple: convert or die. There is no ambiguity within Islam. This is why I say that the world and especially the leaders of the world’s nations, save a few, are completely deceived. This deception is satanic. Let me explain.

Jesus warned against being deceived. He said, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name.” The context is that the time will come when people will attempt to mislead you by advocating for false Christ’s. There have been many people over the years that have done exactly that. They have all been proven to be liars and frauds. The most dangerous deception concerning Jesus – the false Jesus – is found in Islam.

Satan, who is known as Allah to Muslims, has constructed a masterful deception and named it Islam. Christians of all people should know better than to believe the lies of Islam but unfortunately that is not the case. This is to their shame and potentially to their destruction. How does Islam present the most clear and present danger to Christians and indeed the world? If you want to understand the barbarity of Islam and why Islamists are blood-thirsty savages, then you must understand their eschatology. Islam has a theology of the end times.

Would it surprise you if I told you that Jesus plays a significant role in Islamic end time’s theology? Of course, when I say Jesus, I’m talking about the Islamic Jesus. There is a difference between the biblical Jesus and the Jesus of Islam and you must understand this pivotal point.

Islam recognizes Jesus as a great prophet. But Islam states that Mohammed is greater. In fact the 12th Imam or Mahdi of Islam is even greater. The Islamic Jesus is a great prophet but:

  • He is not the Son of God.
  • He was not born of a virgin.
  • He was not crucified for the sins of the world.
  • He did not die on a cross.
  • Because He didn’t die He was not resurrected.
  • He was taken to heaven just like Elijah and Mohammed.
  • He is standing with Allah waiting for Allah to allow Him to return to the earth.

Now, some Christians get excited over that last point: Muslims believe Jesus will return to the earth. In their excitement they rush to an ignorant conclusion: We can use that as a starting place for interfaith dialogue.

As Lee Corso likes to say: Not so fast my friends! In Islam, Jesus returns to assist the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah-Savior figure with several necessary activities. The Islamic Jesus will, according to Islam:

  • Jesus returns as a radicalized Muslim and
  • Jesus will implement Sharia Law across the entire world.
  • Jesus’ testimony as a Muslim will lead many Christians to convert to Islam.
  • Jesus will testify against those Christians who refuse to convert on the Day of Judgment.
  • Jesus will abolish Christianity.
  • Jesus will destroy every cross.
  • Jesus will kill all swine.
  • Jesus will kill the Muslim antichrist and his followers, which in Islamic theology are the Jews.
  • Jesus will marry, have children, and die.

The Islamic Jesus is the exact opposite of the biblical Jesus. In fact, the Islamic Jesus is a near perfect representation of the biblical false prophet. Yet, we have mindless Christians that believe we can dialogue with Islamists and find a common ground.

Let’s consider the Islamic messiah-savior figure, the Mahdi, sometimes referred to as the 12th Imam. The name “Mahdi” means “the Guided One.” The Mahdi is also called Sahib Al-Zaman or Al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, which translated mean “the Lord of the age” and “the Awaited Savior.” The Mahdi is Islam’s savior.

The appearance of the Mahdi on the world stage is to Muslims the equivalent of the return of Jesus Christ to Christians. The Mahdi is:

  • A descendant of Mohammed.
  • The final and longed for Caliph who will establish the Islamic worldwide Caliphate.
  • He will rule the world through a series of holy wars.
  • His rise to power is preceded by an army of black flag carrying warriors.

The black flags these warriors carry are inscribed with the words “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Messenger” in Arabic. The Mahdi will lead the black flagged warriors to conquer Israel and will reign from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Muslims believe the Mahdi will be loved by the entire world.

The reason Muslims believe the entire world will love the Mahdi is because they believe the Mahdi will establish world peace. He will negotiate a peace treaty between the Arabs and the Romans, by which is meant Christians.

Let’s contrast what Islam reaches about the Mahdi with whom the Bible says accomplishes these things. The Bible teaches that the antichrist will arrive on the world stage as a political savior. He will bring peace to the world through a treaty between Israel and the Muslim world. The antichrist will appear to be a spiritual leader for the entire world and he will make use of the one world religion.

The biblical antichrist attempts to destroy Jews and Christians. In fact, the biblical antichrist breaks treaty with Israel, demands he be worshipped, and seeks to attack and conquer Jerusalem and establish his headquarters there.

Readers that are even vaguely familiar with the Bible see clearly that the Islamic savior, the Mahdi, is the biblical antichrist. The Islamic Jesus is the biblical false prophet.

Islam is Satanic. It is thoroughly demonic in origin and practice. Indeed, it manifests the spirit of antichrist right before the eyes of the world and yet world leaders turn a blind eye to the horrific evil being unleashed on innocent people.

Jesus warned of the day when false Christs would come onto the world scene, and I remind you of one such passage in Mark.

And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many … for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:5-6, 22-23

Those days are upon us. Here are characteristics of the spirit of antichrist:

  • and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4:3
  • Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.  Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also. 1 John 2:22-23
  • For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2 John 1:7

The spirit of antichrist deceives people, and is a liar. Those consumed by the spirit of antichrist deny that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of Israel and the world; they deny the Father and the Son and therefore the Trinity; they deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and therefore the incarnation.

Yet, people want to say that the God of the Bible is Allah, that Jesus is revered within Islam, and that if we just keep dialoguing with the Muslims then we can achieve a peaceful co-existence with them. Neville Chamberlain lives again as every modern imbecile who believes Islam is about co-existing.

Those that are pushing a globalist Chrislam one-world religion harlotry should be denounced and shamed. People that want to have conversations for better understanding with jihadi Imams should be denounced in the strongest possible terms.

You want to have a conversation with Islamists? Tell them to confess their sins and receive God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Tell them to renounce the demonic lies of Islam and live as a disciple of Jesus.

Wake up church!

Pastor Mike Spaulding

[1] The Who, Won’t Get Fooled Again, written by Pete Townsend. From the 1971 album Who’s Next.