WHERE IS YOUR CITIZENSHIP? – Pastor Mike Spaulding

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; Philippians 3:20

There is a widespread misunderstanding in the body of Christ today related to our responsibility to live in this world while maintaining an attitude of not being of this world. This misunderstanding is based on seeing these seemingly opposing truths from an either/or perspective. In other words, some people seem confused as to what role Christians should actively play in the affairs of this world since heaven is our true home.

In the Scripture cited above, Paul rightly reminded the believers living in Philippi that their citizenship was in heaven. Some have taken that to mean that they should not be concerned about anything in this world beyond their own comforts and well-being.

What Paul meant by his exhortation to the Philippians was that their ultimate loyalty was to God and His kingdom, not to the earthly realm of dictators and despots. Paul was speaking about priorities. What Paul did not mean was that Christians bear no responsibility to influence and direct the affairs of citizens of this world.

The same is true for us today. As a matter of testimony and doctrine, eternity is our ultimate destination. However, having the assurance of heaven as our true and final eternal home does not release us from the obligation to speak the truth of who God is and what He requires from His creation, to every man and woman in every context, day, and age.

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