America – You Knew!

This question should be on the minds of every American who loves this country. “Will America recover? Will we survive the current tsunami of evil?”

We may survive. But if we do, it will be only by the grace of God moved by the mass repentance and heart-rending cry of God’s people all across this land. This is crucial to our survival. Hear me clearly friends – there is no political solution to the murderous death-grip wicked people have on America, if God is not in it. God must be front and center in our efforts to avert the impending disaster.

Today is a good day to set in motion the necessary steps to regain control of America. This begins with the Word of God. I call your attention to two passages of Scripture. I see them as bookends that encompass the possibilities for us as God-loving, fearing, reverencing, men and women. Friends, we have chores to do and the lifting is going to be heavy.

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